Your body is not fixed and solid like you might think

It might sometimes feel that way to you because your emotional states, or states of mind, or even physical/chemical state does not change past a certain degree of experience. We are guarded by our past experiences, traumas and sensations that can often keep us from even approaching the change that feels impossible.. However, your body is actually the opposite…and change is literally at the tips of your fingertips and toes!
You are filled with space and particles
Your body is vast, a mini version of the universe. Within it are gasses and fluids and spaces and many electrical pathways that when compressed against the air in your lungs, or projected against the bones in your feet and fingers, create new tones, forces and rhythms, that influence your health. Your body can change right now!
You can literally adjust pain or shift a condition by understanding how your body communicates with itself and has an innate ability to create change in every moment. So how do you actually do this? And what is it that can block you from reaching your full potential?

Potential to change is lost through negative emotions, false beliefs (positive or negative), and self abuse, or addictions that create imbalances.
The Choice to Change
While the above patterns, which are not the subject of this email, can be dealt with using SMA, through nurturing of awareness and learning to gain more access to your internal power, you do not have to put in immense effort to make real and long lasting changes for health, aging gracefully, and vitality.
You Can Start With This Basic Technique to Create a Stronger Flow of Electrical Force in Your body which is a major key to aging gracefully.

Can Your Feet Really Effect Your Cellular Health and Aging?
Yes! Your Feet Can Also…
Help to Balance and align your spine
Absorb positive and negative charges (depending on the direction).
Discharge electricity, particles and even emotions
Alter your brain through the maps your feet carry in in their cells
Block organs and cell transmissions when congested
Regulate your entire nervous system through the nerve signals they send to the spine and brain based on their interaction with the earth through.
If this sounds far fetched, we haven’t even scratched the surface yet, but check out this article on a recent study done on Covid-19 symptoms dramatically reduced via grounding….

Earth Positioning For Battling Depression, Fatigue, Malaise, and Trauma
Practice this 10 to 15 minutes every single day for 30 days and observe the changes you feel. You will not only open up blocked electrical pathways, but you will recharge your cells as well and regulate your heart rhythm and circadian rhythms.
It is not necessary to be outside or on a ground floor to get a benefit, but standing directly on the ground will have a stronger effect.
Empty your mind, create a relaxed and happy space in your heart
Slap the bottoms of your feet and tops of the feet with the intent to clear stuck particles
Squeeze the tips of each toe for 3 to 5 seconds
Focus on the deepest point of your heart near your stomach and activate that point by putting your breath into it and feeling the vitality open
Stand on the earth and turn your feet 15 degrees inward.
Face South, direct your tailbone toward your heels
Focus on creating a connection between the tailbone and the heals until you feel a charge or pulse, or a bond
Focus your feet on creating a connection with the skin, and then muscles, and fascia with the earth. (you may feel pulses, or charges, or heat in the feet)
Inhale, pull the charge or magnetism from your toes, toward your heels
Hold the charge in the feet and heels and build it up.
Send it up the inner thighs into the abdomen, and hold it there until you feel full
As you build your force between the feet, inner thighs, and abdomen, gradually disperse the electrical force up the spine toward the back of the brain/cerebellum.
Hold for three seconds at the back of the brain
Exhale, send it down the outside of the arms, and outside of the legs and feet
Do at least 16 cycles
On your exhale focus on releasing old charged particles, thought forms and any obstructions.
Imagine your body as a sponge, building and absorbing
Aspire to create a sense of electrical balance in the lower half of the body.
Turn your feet out and stand calmly. Listen to the sensations within and sense of calm and power you have achieved.
After you have completed your cycles, stand still for 3 – 5 minutes and allow your nervous system to absorb and regulate itself. Hold a sense of gratitude toward the earth and have a brilliant day!
PART 2 – Coming Soon – Discharging Toxic Forces Before Bedtime
Work With Me Now
Session Packages and mentorships in the following areas:
Injury repair and body imbalance sessions
Aging gracefully
Advanced protocols for building flexibility and energy flow
Addiction rehab mentorships for all imbalanced states, including: mood swings, addictions, anger, anxiety, shame, ADHD, and all addictive behaviors.
Corporate training for team leadership and success